Saturday, April 18, 2015

Want VS Need

Do you want it or do you need it?

This is the first question that everyone shopping everywhere should be asking themselves each and every time they go to take that hard earned cash from their pocket.

Want vs Need is a bit of a grey area though. All things in moderation and spending money on having fun is one of them.

A perfect example requires a bit of personal storytelling. This past month I spend 350.00 on a leather jacket. It was not a whim, it was a well planned purchase been in the works for about 4 years since that is when my last one bit the dust.
I waited for the perfect jacket, then I thought about it for a good long time , finally when I saw it on sale I pounced with my mastercard. I was not in great “need” of this particular item but I was in “need” of it on a sort of personal level.

The same principle applies when going away for a well deserved weekend, you need that at times.

The “ wants” that you ignore are the impulse buys. If you have 17 pairs of shoes ( guilty) you likely do not need to purchase more black pumps because they are on sale.

There are true needs, food, shelter, things to keep you healthy. There are alot of perceived needs too like for example a gym membership. You can workout at home.

A 5.00 coffee, however this may be called for when on vacation, if you are just in your work week, save that 5.00 each day for a few weeks and buy a coffee maker.

Needs will vary based on the person and their particular circumstance, I believe people do Need some things more than others. I need to be able to buy a bottle of wine once a week to share with the boy, that is part of my relaxing life and keeps the rest of my life sane.

Short post, point made, think before you buy, all things in moderation.


Whiskey G

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